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A group of students sits on bleachers in gym
2024 W.E.B. Leaders

Our W.E.B. Leaders are ready for the 2024-25 school year!

Students play bass
ARCO Orchestra

When rock music and orchestra musicians collide!

Students in costume on stage
Newsies Jr. on Stage

A cast and crew of talented students entertains

Students at Tech War competition
Middle School Tech Wars

Innovation and creativity earns Tech War awards

Students stand in art room
Studio in Art

Students silk-screen Darwin Martin House Jr. Docent shirts

Students and teachers stand in auditorium

Mission & Philosophy

Amherst Middle School

At Amherst Middle School, we are committed to maintaining high academic standards while also encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Our classrooms will be filled with engaging lessons and opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents. We believe that each student brings a unique perspective to our school, enriching the overall experience for everyone.

News & Events

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Upcoming Events

Students! Get Involved!

We offer many afterschool clubs and extra curricular activities and encourage our students to join a club. Listen to announcements or look for posters in the hallway for meeting dates and times.