Clubs and Activities
Join a Club! It's Fun!
- Amherst Rock Concert Orchestra (ARCO)
- Art Club
- Barbershop and Beautyshoppe
- Digital Video Club
- Jazz Ensemble
- Jazz Lab
- Morning Intramurals
- Musical
- Our Stomping Ground
- Polaris Club (Yearbook)
- Pop Chorus
- Service Club
- Tiger Tube
- Ventures
- Yoga and Mindfulness Club
Amherst Rock Concert Orchestra (ARCO)
Art Club
Art Club
Advisor: Ms. Roeser, Room 151
Art Club will offer opportunities for students to work on projects introduced by Ms. Roeser, as well as open studio time where students can work in their sketchbooks or on projects from home. Art Club will also be collaborating with Amherst Central Perk (the coffee shop at the middle school) to do fundraising for the Tiger's Den food pantry.
Open to all students; students will be assigned to group 1 or group 2.
Art club meets once a month on a Tuesday from 3:55-4:30 p.m. (There are 2 groups, each meets once a month from October-May)
Barbershop and Beautyshoppe
Barbershop and Beautyshoppe
Advisor: Mrs. Ayer, Chorus Room
Barbershop and Beautyshoppe are auditioned vocal ensembles of eighth grade students that meet before school during the second semester of the school year. Students involved will audition in January and begin rehearsals at the end of that month, with performances at the Spring Choral concerts and school assemblies. The group meets before school on a date chosen by group members and during occasional lunches. Students must be a member of chorus or choir at Amherst Middle School.
Digital Video Club
Digital Video Club
Advisor: Mr. Schmidle, Library
Digital Video Club allows students to express themselves and their ideas through video production. Using the WeVideo production program students are able to create their own original video content that can be played in the building or among the members of the club itself. Students will address a series of video challenges throughout the year that will help them to develop and implement video as a means of communication and art.
Open to all students, meets every other Wednesday from 4 - 4:30 p.m.
Jazz Ensemble
The Amherst Middle School Jazz Ensemble is a continuation of the jazz program, which is mostly 7th and 8th grade students. The group competes in competitions every year, and has won many awards. The goal of the group is to focus on the jazz tradition and preparing students for high school jazz. The group is limited to Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Guitar, Bass and Piano, and there is a lot of rehearsal time devoted to the art of improvisation, the foundation of Jazz. We are proud to continue this rich American tradition!
Jazz Lab
Jazz Lab
Advisor: Mr. Palmer, Band Room
The Amherst Middle School Jazz Lab plays rock music, swing, blues, ballads, pop music and big band music. This group performs three times a year for school concerts, the annual awards ceremony, every other year for the AMS talent show and plays at the end-of-year Awards Ceremony.
Open to Grade 6, but also Grades 7 and 8 who are interested; rehearsals are on Tuesday mornings to prepare for events.
Morning Intramurals
Advisor: Erin Ayer, Chorus Room
Amherst Middle School students have performed an annual musical since 1989. We have a long-standing tradition of excellence and are proud to involve more than 100 students on stage or behind the scenes each year. Consider joining us in the cast or crew for this year’s show! Informational meetings are announced on the morning announcements and are held in early October. Auditions for the show and stage crew sign-ups occur at the end of October. Rehearsals for the show will be held after school from late October through early January, with the final performance the second week of January.
Open to all students, meets October - January after school.
Past Productions
2024 Newsies Jr.
2023 Frozen, Jr.
2022 High School Musical, Jr.
2021 Dear Edwina Online Edition, Jr.
2020 Beauty and the Beast, Jr.
2019 Mary Poppins, Jr.
2018 James and the Giant Peach
2017 Getting to Know...The Sound of Music
2016 The Lion King, Jr.
2015 The Music Man, Jr.
2014 The Wizard of Oz
2013 The Little Mermaid, Jr.
2012 Into the Woods, Jr.
2011 Aladdin, Jr.
2010 Seussical, Jr.
2009 It’s Middle School...the Musical (an AMS original!)
2008 Bugsy Malone, Jr.
2007 Fiddler on the Roof, Jr.
2006 When In Rome
2005 Carniville
2004 Oliver
2003 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
2002 Tom Sawyer
2001 Anniversary Production
2000 It’s Music, Man
1999 HMS Pinafore with a Titanic Twist
1998 The Prince and the Pauper
1997 Annie
1996 Oklahoma - OK!
1995 Pete’s Dragon
1994 The Hills of Music
1993 Cinderella Gets Her Fella
1992 Oliver
1991 Coming of Age
1990 Snow White
1989 The Wizard of Oz
Our Stomping Ground
Our Stomping Ground
Advisors: Mrs. Hobler and Mr. Sufilita, Room 139
Our Stomping Ground's purpose is to celebrate the diversity of our cultures and identities at Amherst Middle School. We do this by organizing and hosting events for the school community to honor and educate our community about the diverse cultures and identities at our school.
Open to all students, meets Thursdays after school.
Polaris Club (Yearbook)
Polaris Club (Yearbook)
Advisor: Ms. DiMaria, Room 137
This club creates the yearbook for the school capturing memories throughout the school year. At our meetings, we create yearbook polls, design colorful pages, and take many pictures. We spend a lot of time making sure that names and faces match and that everything is spelled correctly. We put our typing skills to the test as well, and edit pages along the way. The best part is seeing the end result of all our hard work!
Open to all students, meets every Tuesday after school and some Wednesdays during busy times.
Pop Chorus
Advisor: Mrs. Ayer, Chorus Room
Pop Chorus is a vocal ensemble of students in sixth, seventh and eighth grade that focuses on show tunes and popular music. The group performs several times throughout the school year at evening concerts and school assemblies. There is no audition required to join, but students need to be a member of Chorus at AMS. Meets Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school at 8:15 a.m.
Service Club
Service Club
Advisor: Mrs. Primerano, Counseling Center
The Service Club will help to organize various activities to help the school and community. Some of these activities may include food drives & helping with the “Tiger Treasures” thrift store.
Open to all students, meets every other Tuesday at 3:55 - 4:30 p.m. Listen for announcements for first meeting.
Tiger Tube
Tiger Tube
Advisor: Mr. Schmidle, Library
Tiger Tube is responsible for producing daily video shows aired on YouTube that highlight daily announcements, the daily weather, and any special events happening within the school. Students participate in a variety of on-camera and off-camera activities. Students learn a great deal about public speaking skills as well as develop advanced technology skills through their use of video production equipment.
Open to all students, meets daily at 8:15-8:45 a.m.
Advisor: Mrs. Chomen
Ventures is an AMS club that creates different types of literature such as songs, fictional stories, and poetry. At the end of the year, we design our Ventures Literary magazine that showcases all of the work and illustrations members have created. Members will have the opportunity to run a fun fundraiser too. If you enjoy creative writing and illustrating, then this is the club for you. Members will be expected to create 3 pieces of literature throughout the coming months. If this is something you are serious about and interested in, please join us.
Open to all students, meets once a month at 8:15 a.m. Listen to announcements for start date.